Home Marijuana Investing The Top Performing Marijuana Penny Stocks Last Year

The Top Performing Marijuana Penny Stocks Last Year

The Top Performing Marijuana Penny Stocks Last Year

The companies that have direct marijuana connections are called penny stocks. It is widely known that the cannabis industry is highly controversial and a bit risky. The Securities and Exchange Commission tells people to be careful in investing in penny stocks because its positives also come with negatives.

However, we cannot deny the success of top-performing marijuana penny stocks last year, causing a lot of excitement for many investors.

Do you want to jump in the cannabis penny stock bandwagon? Keep an eye out before you rush into it. The following are the marijuana penny stock companies that performed well last year.

Canopy Growth Corp

The Top Performing Marijuana Penny Stocks Last Year

The company sells medical cannabis and is considered the primary manufacturer of the said plant in Canada. It is previously known as the Tweed Marijuana Inc. They produce different brands and varieties, maintained in an indoor greenhouse. The corporation supplies dry marijuana and oil solutions, which are also available online.

GW Pharmaceuticals PLC

This British company manufactures a collection of cannabinoid drugs such as Epidiolex for the treatment of epilepsy, and Sativex to treat cancer pain. GW Pharma sells pain drugs by using the compounds found in the cannabis plant. The firm has created a product to treat multiple sclerosis. The medicine for the treatment of severe epilepsy in children is currently in the works.

INSYS Therapeutics Inc.

The company manufactures many different health care products. One of the popular ones is the Subsys that is used to alleviate pain brought on by cancer. Syndrome is another major drug of the company that is used to treat anorexia nervosa from patients with  AIDS.

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MassRoots Inc.

This top performing marijuana penny stocks is a large manufacturing company for marijuana consumers. They have been making a lot of progress in the cannabis industry and is showing a strong growth of its stock, once the legalization of marijuana expands.

Vitality Biopharma

The company has produced cannabosides, a type of cannabinoid prodrugs. Once ingested, the drug goes into the gastrointestinal tract. The oral intake of the cannabinoid formula provides patients with therapeutic benefits as it prevents the systemic distribution of THC, a main mind-altering element present in marijuana, into the bloodstream.

Overall, just because cannabis is already legalized in many states, it doesn’t mean that the marijuana penny stocks will instantly succeed. Every company in the top performing marijuana penny stocks last year has a different story of success. It is best to check the whole picture about the cannabis stock first before investing.