Home Latest News 3 Health Side Effects of Smoking Weed

3 Health Side Effects of Smoking Weed

3 Health Side Effects of Smoking Weed

Smoking weed is known to be one of the leading causes of addiction. However, studies have also shown that there are medical effects of smoking weed to your health. For these contrasting effects of using weed, it is important that you know all the possibilities and implications that it may cause.

Find out the common side effects of smoking weed to your health and decide for yourself if it is worth it to begin using or continuing the use of marijuana.

1. Negative Short-Term Effects

There is a chemical in weed that can trigger addiction, and this often leads to various side effects. Some of the short-term effects of smoking weed include problems with short-term memory, severe anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, panic, hallucinations, and loss of personal identity.

It is also known to lower a person’s reaction time and increase the risk for stroke. Coordination problems is also a short-term side effect of using weed.

2. Negative Long-Term Effects

The long-term and excessive use of weed can be damaging to the health and the body. The prolonged use of weed may decline the IQ and impair thinking, which often leads to poor school performance.

An addiction to smoking weed can also happen when the drug is used for a long time, which most probably will cause lower life satisfaction, financial difficulties, and increased welfare dependency. The prolonged use of weed can also trigger depression, which tends to low life motivation.

3. Medical Marijuana Effects

While there are several adverse side effects of smoking weed to your health, both short-term and long-term, it is not all bad things when it comes to marijuana. There are also a lot of advantages and benefits in smoking weed which is why medical marijuana is becoming popular.

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For one, it is known to cure cancer and not in the way that chemotherapy and radiation therapy affects the body. Weed kills the dead cells and prevents the cancer cells from reproducing and progressing into tumors.

Some of the chemicals found in weed also show to be effective in alleviating symptoms of various illness and conditions. It includes managing epileptic seizures, lowering brain stimulation for ADHD patients, and regulating insulin for diabetes. It is also known to help lessen symptoms of Alzheimer’s diseases, Parkinson’s disease, and Crohn’s disease.

Using weed has both negative and positive side effects, which is why regulation is important in using it.