BALTIMORE, MD – Veteran Police Officer Alex Chapackdee, from the Seattle Police force, was caught using marijuana in his recreational vehicle. He was seen in the Baltimore region last April 17 in his RV filled with marijuana. That didn’t stop there! Still smoking marijuana, he started driving across the state, with no stopovers except when purchasing food or gas.
This was first reported in their daily local newspaper, the Seattle Times. He only stopped driving when he pulled over in front of a house near the Baltimore district last April 19. Observers noticed him unloading some boxes from his 2000 model Fleetwood Flair vehicle.
Chapackdee has been in service with the Police force for 16 years. Upon further investigation, it was proven that he used his power and authority not to help civilians. It was said that he wanted to be involved with expensive and complex criminal dealings. He is accused of helping Tuan Van Le, his brother-in-law, in smuggling marijuana and other dangerous drugs in the East Coast area.
Tuan Van Le is considered the ringleader of the group. Chapackdee and other suspects are known to have smuggled more than 1000 kg of marijuana. They were also offered a payment of $10,000 per month.
Another alleged crime he was involved in is supplying massive amounts of cocaine to casinos, concentrated in the East Coast areas. However, this is not the first time Officer Chapackdee was found dealing with this illegal drug. Someone reported to the FBI authorities two years ago (2015) that Officer Chapackdee was allegedly involved with a drug-smuggling group.
On April 29, Chapackdee was arrested, and his status is currently suspended. Right now, he doesn’t have any salary pay and is on administrative leave. The news surprised many of his friends and family members especially since he is also a member of the FBI’s PCOCS (Public Corruption and Organized Crime Squad).
Although marijuana has been legalized in the USA, it is still a crime to have and use marijuana, even for recreational purposes, in Maryland. What are your thoughts? Is it still legal to regulate marijuana with cases such as these?